We don’t need AI to hallucinate.

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L.I. Underhill is a media critic and historian specializing in pop culture, with a focus on science fiction (especially Star Trek) and video games. Their projects include a critical history of Star Trek told through the narrative of a war in time, a “heretical” history of The Legend of Zelda series and a literary postmodern reading of Jim Davis' Garfield.

1 Comment

  1. Daru
    December 11, 2014 @ 2:36 am

    Love the essay and love the video. Thanks so much Josh for sharing your journey of the Angels with us. I can understand the experience of them being a "spirit guide" or similar as I have had the same thing happen with works of art at prominent moments in my life (Swamp Thing, the works of Moebius & many others). If you had not shared their work here I would never have heard of them.

    Love the callout in the title also to Rocket Man, making the links from past Trek to future Trek. Also I think the show did a callout to Ripley in Aliens with the juggernaut suits. Nice.

    One amazing moment in the animation that might have been easy to miss appears at 8m 54s, just as Yuri is in her spacesuit shooting her weapon and shouting "damn you!" If you are able to pause it in time it looks to me like she is shooting a lotus flower out of her gun. I adore the idea that the Angels are shooting enlightenment and rebirth at their targets!

    Good stuff, cheers Josh.


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