Come and Listen to Us… Forever and Ever and Ever
Yet another strand of Wrong With Authority launches. This time it’s Carter Before the Horse. It’s basically just Consider the Reagan but earlier.
In this inaugural edition, James, Kit, and Jack watch Kubrick’s The Shining, and say things about it.
Beware Triggers, because we talk about the film’s themes, and they’re not pretty.
The WWA back-catalogue contains several podcasts which make good Hallowe’en listening…
In this Footnote episode, James and Kit watch James Whale’s 1931 Frankenstein. (If we do any more films from that era we’ll have to think of a Herbert Hoover pun for the title of that strand.)
Speaking of James Whale, here‘s the entire gang doing a full Wrong With Authority episode about Gods and Monsters – the biopic of James Whale starring Ian McKellen – and also Shadow of the Vampire, a movie about (sort of) the making of the original Nosferatu.
And here‘s Kit and Daniel chatting about a couple of George Romero movies, The Crazies and Martin, in another Footnote episode.
Daniel has chatted with his buddies over at They Must Be Destroyed on Sight! about many horror movies. They’re currently on a seasonal Horror kick. So toddle over there for that excellent content.
Other seasonal content of my own can be found here, in a series of articles about Horror movies, and in this article from my (undead) Tricky Dicky series in which I talk a little about Hallowe’en with reference to witches, prophecy, Macbeth, and the Gunpowder Plot.
In accordance with noises I made on Twitter, I am now writing something about Dracula and how it has been adapted. What form it will take, and how much of it there will be, remains to be seen. But I’m hoping to have the first part up next Friday.
In the meantime, I wish you all a safe and happy Samhainn. Do not allow yourselves to become dull boys, girls, or anything else. I’m told that the key is play. Rather than just work.
October 26, 2018 @ 3:37 pm
Gonna be spoiled for choice when it comes to Hoover.
James Murphy
October 26, 2018 @ 4:41 pm
Working on a pun playing off the fact that Hoovers suck.
October 28, 2018 @ 8:05 pm
I confess, it would’ve been very nice indeed to see a “Ford the River Carter” pun.