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Jack Graham

Jack Graham writes and podcasts about culture and politics from a Gothic Marxist-Humanist perspective. He co-hosts the I Don't Speak German podcast with Daniel Harper. Support Jack on Patreon.


  1. Lucy McGough
    March 1, 2013 @ 1:50 pm

    I really enjoyed reading this.


  2. jane
    March 1, 2013 @ 11:25 pm

    Fantastic work, Jack. Especially love the consumerist ironies, though to be fair, shows like "Flash Gordon" and "Space Patrol" were doing their best to market their toys back in the 50's. Part of what made Dalekmania catch on so fast was this kind of stuff was, well, child's play for capitalists by the time Doctor Who came around.


  3. Brittany B Laury
    September 6, 2019 @ 4:04 am

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