Review: Civil War
If Civil War is Alex Garland’s last movie as a solo director, his body of work is going to last a while. There are images in Civil War that will haunt me for years, though it’s not always a haunting I’ll applaud. Whether or not Alex Garland has succeeded in making his own Apocalypse Now or Lawrence of Arabia won’t be clear for several years, but it’s hard not to appreciate that in spite of his myopia, he’s trying to say something.
None of which changes the fact that Civil War is a bit of a clusterfuck. It works best when it’s not dealing directly with politics, but paradoxically, its failure to grapple with politics turns out to be a lethal flaw. While opting not to explain the great cataclysm that split America in half is a solid artistic choice, Civil War also neglects to deal with political power in any capacity. Usually I’m loathe to let a movie’s press weigh greatly into my reading of a movie, but Civil War echoes Garland’s view that civil war is just something that happens as a result of political division. There’s no political power, economics, or infrastructure behind the apocalyptic civil war. People just turn against each other, and that’s scary. It’s a view of politics so naïve that it makes The West Wing look seasoned and astute. Civil War has the politics of Guest Essay section of The New York Times. Nice cosmopolitan journalists in Manhattan venture out into the terrifying bucolic hellscape of rural America, where farmers pretend that the war isn’t happening (as if a massive disruption to American infrastructure wouldn’t hit farmers first). It’s a jaw-droppingly embarrassing failure to understand American politics; by far the stupidest thing Alex Garland has made, and that’s without addressing the use of Andy Ngo footage in the movie, or that Civil War thanks Helen Lewis. No wonder Alex Garland on Pod Save America talking about how the Left can win elections. His target audience thinks that Rashida Tlaib condemning the IDF is a threat to democracy but the Senate renewing warrantless surveillance isn’t.
And somehow this failure of politics goes hand-in-hand with some phenomenal use of film. Exploring a second American civil war through the eyes of a war correspondent is a properly brilliant science fiction premise, and it’s one Civil War explores to stunning effect. Kirsten Dunst feels like every war correspondent I’ve ever met (if I get to interview, I’m going to ask her which reporters she shadowed). Civil War understands that journalistic impartiality means standing back and letting somebody burn to death. There’s a scene that rapidly intercuts a bloody skirmish with still pictures of the fight; it captures the disparity between real violence and represented violence in a way no photojournalist could. It’s an extraordinary way to use film, and single-handedly justifies Civil War‘s existence. And there’s some astonishing suspense in this movie. For everything Civil War lacks, there’s something about it that shines.
But even then, the critique rings hollow. Garland sees photojournalism as an unbiased way of looking at the world. He treats the press as the last defenders of democracy, lacking any agenda. But journalism is constant decision-making. It’s not agenda-free. Every moment you’re out in the field, you’re picking a side. And you’re often doing it against the express orders of a media conglomerate in Baltimore. You’re out there building relationships, making contacts. I’m sure Marie Colvin was an influence on Dunst’s character. I know people who were close with Colvin, who struck up an acquaintance with Arafat. People like Marie Colvin and Lowell Thomas did not see their jobs as apolitical. I am sick of this representation of my industry as heroic. We are not heroes. If President Nick Offerman went full fash and shut down freedom of the press, there’s no way he wouldn’t preserve a few select journalists and outlets to get his message out.
It’s extraordinarily frustrating, and outright diabolical. Civil War contains Alex Garland’s best filmmaking, and yet it’s his worst movie. His legacy is going to last, but he’s ending his career by selling his soul to the ghouls who think we can sacrifice some civil rights and trans people (oh yeah, this movie’s handling of race sucks too!) for the sake of civility. To people like Garland, the worst thing about democracy’s fall is rednecks getting too brave. For the rest of us, the death of democracy means getting strung up while the press debates how high they should hang us.
Anton B
April 23, 2024 @ 5:15 am
I love the way your review cleverly mirrors Garland’s attempt to depict a liberal middle ground view of conflict.
Surely Garland’s movie is the filmic equivalent of Trump’s “There were some very fine people on both sides” rhetoric? Mealy mouthed appeasement masquerading as impartiality. Marvel’s ‘Civil War’ was more politically savvy. I don’t think one can lavish praise on cinematography and ignore the politics otherwise let’s just re-release Riefenstahl’s”Triumph of the Will’. Some great set pieces in that one.
Brian B.
April 23, 2024 @ 5:47 pm
I think it’s dangerous to assume Garland’s politics merely based on that of the film, though. The question is: who is the film FOR? The overwhelming message of the film, as it shows the U.S. descending into violent civil war, is “Don’t do this. You don’t want this” (a message that I think is 100% correct).
Q: From whom is the impulse to violent civil war mostly coming?
A: The Right.
Q: Therefore, who most urgently needs to see this movie?
A: The Right.
Q: Will they if the movie adopts the political worldview of Christine Kelley, Elizabeth Sandifer, or me?
A: No.
In other words, I’m not certain about this movie either. But I think there’s a real good chance it’s the most effective movie it could be, and that Garland made it this way on purpose. And I respect the heck out of that.
weronika mamuma
April 24, 2024 @ 2:35 am
can we assume his politics from this quote?
“Why are we talking and not listening?We’ve lost trust in the media and politicians. And some in the media are wonderful and some politicians are wonderful—on both sides of the divide. I have a political position and I have good friends on the other side of that political divide. Honestly, I’m not trying to be cute: What’s so hard about that? Why are we shutting [conversation] down? Left and right are ideological arguments about how to run a state. That’s all they are. They are not a right or wrong, or good and bad. It’s which do you think has greater efficacy? That’s it. You try one, and if that doesn’t work out, you vote it out, and you try again a different way. That’s a process. But we’ve made it into ‘good and bad.’ We made it into a moral issue, and it’s fucking idiotic, and incredibly dangerous … I personally [blame] some of this on social media. There is a an interaction that exists human-to-human that floats away when it reaches a public forum.”
Brian B.
April 24, 2024 @ 10:33 am
Very possibly, and fair point! It still wouldn’t change the likelihood that these politics make the movie more effective at reaching the people who need to be reached. I know too many people on the Left who talk violently, and they bother me, but they virtually never show any signs of ever acting on it. On the Right, we see more conviction, more eagerness to do harm (that’s part of what puts people on the Right to begin with). Bring them to the cinema and warn them, vividly, against what they think they want.
weronika mamuna
April 25, 2024 @ 5:42 am
based on everything i know about the movie, i seriously doubt it’s particularly well positioned to reach them, but sure, let’s hope
Roman Cassini
June 22, 2024 @ 3:12 am
I fear you have completely missed the point of the film? This film is a takedown of the media. The film is about how well intentioned individual journalists can end up inadvertantly supporting a superstructure that fuels the unnamed polarisation and hatred which led to the ‘Civil War’ in the first place. This film is not a defence of journalism. That’s the whole point of the final scene.