A Brief Treatise on the Rules of Thrones 3.01: Valar Dohaeris
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Smirking lessons |
State of Play
The choir goes off. There is a cold open running three minutes and set north of the Wall. The opening image is pitch black and inhuman screaming, then a fade-in on the windswept landscape and Sam running in terror.
The board is laid out thusly:
Lions of King’s Landing: Tyrion Lannister, Queen Cersei Lannister, The King’s Hand Tywin Lannister
Dragons of Astapor: Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen
Direwolves of the Wall: Jon Snow
Direwolves of Harrenhal: The King in the North Robb Stark, Caetlynn Stark,
Bears of Astapor: Jorah Mormont
Mockingbirds of King’s Landing: Petyr Baelish
Ships of King’s Landing: Davos Seaworth,
Burning Hearts of Dragonstone: King Stannis Baratheon, Mellisandre
Roses of King’s Landing: Margery Tyrell
Archers of the Wall: Samwell Tarley
Stags of King’s Landing: King Joffrey Baratheon
Direwolves of King’s Landing: Sansa Stark
Tigers of Harrenhal: Talisa Stark
Flowers of King’s Landing: Shae
Bows of the Wall: Ygritte
Bears of the Wall: Lord Commander Jeor Mormont
Chains of King’s Landing: Bronn
Winterfell is abandoned and in ruins.
The episode is in eight parts. The first part runs seven minutes and is set at Mance Rayder’s camp north of the Wall. The transition is by location. The opening image is a snowy landscape, then Rattleshirt walking.
The second runs twelve minutes and is in sections; it is set in King’s Landing. The first section is seven minutes long; the transition is by hard cut, from Jon to children playing in the Blackwater, then into a brothel. The second section is five minutes long; the transition is by image, from the sky to the sky in a POV shot from a dazed Davos.
The third part run three minutes and is set at Harrenhal. The transition is by hard cut, from Davos and Sallador to the Stark banners.
The fourth runs nine minutes and is in two sections; it is set in King’s Landing. The first section is five minutes long; the transition is by implication; the letter Tywin is writing is early planning for the Red Wedding. The second section is four minutes long; the transition is by dialogue, from Tywin talking about Tyrion’s whores to Shae.
The fifth part runs two minutes and is set in Astapor. The transition is by image, from the water of Blackwater Bay to a dragon flying in the water.
The sixth runs three minutes and is set in Dragonstone. The transition is by image, once again to water.
The seventh runs six minutes and is set in King’s Landing. The transition is by hard cut, from Davos being dragged away to a street in Flea Bottom.
The eighth runs seven minutes and is set in Astapor. The transition is by dialogue, from Cersei and Margery talking about feeding the poor to Daenerys having the way the Unsullied have been starved explained to her. The final image is of Daenerys reacting to Barristan Selmy’s arrival by deciding to go for a Full Web.
In the overall history of Thrones, this marks the start of a strangely transitional era.…