The Annual Boxing Day Sale
EDIT: Now with an added sale on Vaka Rangi Volume 1.
Do people still get e-readers for Christmas? Well whether or not they do, it’s time for Eruditorum Press’s annual post-Christmas sale, in which I merrily slash prices on a bunch of books for a week. As always, sale books are distributed via Smashwords – just click the links below and use the coupon codes provided at checkout to get the books at the listed prices.
First we’ve got the marquee sale – a 20% discount on Eruditorum Press’s brand new release, The Last War in Albion Volume 1 to take the price down to $3.99. That’s available with the coupon FV43Q, and has a download link at the end to get the version with added images free of charge.
Second of all, we’ve taken $4 off on both Guided by the Beauty of Their Weapons, my collection on science fiction and fascism in 2015, and A Golden Thread, my history of Wonder Woman.
Guided by the Beauty of Their Weapons: $2.99, coupon code HB53S
A Golden Thread: $3.99, coupon code JU28D
Finally, we’ve got all six volumes of TARDIS Eruditorum at $2.99 each.
TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 1 (William Hartnell): Coupon code ER93J
TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 2 (Patrick Troughton): Coupon code CH66F
TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 3 (Jon Pertwee): Coupon code WD76X
TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 4 (Tom Baker Part 1): Coupon code BX77K
TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 5 (Tom Baker Part 2): Coupon code KP89K
TARDIS Eruditorum Volume 6 (Peter Davison & Colin Baker): Coupon code HX33W
Enjoy, and thanks again for another year of support. Eruditorum Press wouldn’t be what it is without you. Which, arguably, you should feel bad about. But I certainly don’t.
Should have a Doctor Mysterio review up some time tomorrow.
EDIT: Josh has also kindly thrown Vaka Rangi Volume 1 up for sale at 33% off, via the coupon code RT65R.
December 26, 2016 @ 6:39 pm
Perfect, I can complete my TARDIS Eruditorum collection (I was missing volumes 2 and 3). Merry Christmas and thanks for running this blog.
December 26, 2016 @ 6:49 pm
That’s a generous and tempting discount. I love how your magickal response to the imminent eschaton manifests as barely closeted capitalism Doctor Phil. 😉
Thanks also for answering my Boxing Day question even though the answer was, inevitably, depressing.
May I wish you and all the Eruditoriumistas a much happier new year than the one we’ve just had.
December 28, 2016 @ 1:43 pm
I concede that you aren’t my dancing monkey, but I only came over to this site to find out when I can get Tardis Eruditorum Vol 7. That was months ago! I understand it’s all mostly written and you just need to put it together into a book.
Vols 1-6 were very weird. I enjoyed them tremendously. But after Vol 7 would be a much better break point than before Vol 7.
December 28, 2016 @ 2:05 pm
I’ve answered this elsewhere, but basically, although yes, I have a near-finished first draft of Volume 7, there’s still a huge amount of work between that and a finished book. I need to
1) Write about 10,000 words of new material that has to be fitted amidst weekly blogging, Last War in Albion, finishing the Neoreaction a Basilisk book, and any other projects I’m working on.
2) Do a revision pass on all of it. Volume 7 will be the longest volume to date, so that’s no small feat.
3) Have an external copyeditor do a pass on all of it. This takes several months.
4) Do another revision pass.
5) Another round of edits too.
6) Have James do a cover.
This process didn’t get started in 2016 because most of the year was eaten by Last War in Albion and my writing Neoreaction a Basilisk.
So mid-2017 is the answer to your question.
It’s not a matter of break points – I’m not expecting the gap between Volume 7 and Volume 8 to be unusually large or anything. It’s a matter of “I’m a one man operation and TARDIS Eruditorum isn’t the only thing on my plate.” Bottlenecks happen.
But thank you for your very kind concession that I’m not your dancing monkey.
December 31, 2016 @ 2:22 pm
I’m a little too old to be fan-squeeing at your generous reply, but the impulse definitely exists.
In case you doubted, the dancing monkey remark was meant with humor and admiration.
December 16, 2020 @ 1:51 am
Thanks for the information!!