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Elizabeth Sandifer

Elizabeth Sandifer created Eruditorum Press. She’s not really sure why she did that, and she apologizes for the inconvenience. She currently writes Last War in Albion, a history of the magical war between Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. She used to write TARDIS Eruditorum, a history of Britain told through the lens of a ropey sci-fi series. She also wrote Neoreaction a Basilisk, writes comics these days, and has ADHD so will probably just randomly write some other shit sooner or later. Support Elizabeth on Patreon.


  1. mx_mond
    April 15, 2019 @ 9:19 am

    Bumped my pledge to a slightly larger, but sustainable amount.

    You’re one of my very favourite writers and I’m very sorry you’re struggling. I hope things work out okay and that you get to a point where writing is sustainable.

    I also really appreciate you talking openly about all this stuff. I’m a beginning writer who holds down a full-time job along with some frequent odd jobs and I really struggle with regular writing output. It is in some ways reassuring to know I’m not the only one struggling.


    • David Gerard
      April 15, 2019 @ 10:24 pm

      I also really appreciate you talking openly about all this stuff.

      yep. nuts and bolts stuff is invaluable.


      • Przemek
        April 16, 2019 @ 7:21 am

        Yeah. Thank you for that.


        • Aylwin
          April 16, 2019 @ 12:31 pm

          Trying to head off a what seems like a possible misunderstanding (though this may be me misunderstanding the situation, in which case please ignore me). It sounds to me as though you are being sarcastic because you think David Gerard was being sarcastic. I’m pretty certain he was being sincere.

          If you were being sincere as well, I apologise for making a fuss over nothing. I just don’t want there to be any needless ill-feeling.


          • Elizabeth Sandifer
            April 16, 2019 @ 12:42 pm

            I took Przemek as agreeing with David and thanking me for being open about the financial side of my work.

          • Przemek
            April 16, 2019 @ 1:26 pm

            Yes, I was agreeing with David. Sorry for the confusion.

          • David Gerard
            April 16, 2019 @ 4:08 pm

            also chatted elswhere to Elizabeth about how excellent it is when writers can about the nuts’n’bolts of writer finances

            basically talking about it, if you’re safe to do so, is sending out a loud “you are not alone” 🙂

          • Aylwin
            April 16, 2019 @ 6:23 pm

            Ah, so I was fussing about nothing. Sorry all.

  2. Przemek
    April 15, 2019 @ 10:57 am

    I’ll see what I can do. I think I can pledge a little more, I just have to crunch the numbers. If I’m able to help, I will.

    Your writing is consistently brilliant and has changed the way I understand media. Many times. And you have greatly influenced my own writing. And anyway, if trans bloggers living under Trump don’t deserve my money, who does?

    As a writer struggling with a full-time job, I deeply sympathize. And I hope your financial troubles go away real soon.


  3. Sleepyscholar
    April 15, 2019 @ 12:34 pm

    I’ve been reading and enjoying the site for so long, my signing up for the Patreon is really a belated paying-up for work the fruits of which I’ve already received. Sorry it’s not higher than it is (an extended period in my 20s as a cough freelance writer scuppered any chances of me being well-off at this point in my life).

    I came here for the Doctor Who, but I find the other material a very welcome opportunity to enjoy other things that I might not otherwise have heard about.

    I also don’t think you need to apologize about the spam posts. I’ve felt particular sympathy for Christine, whose latest post for some reason attracted 127 Russian bots. Who knew they were Kate Bush fans?


  4. Brian B.
    April 15, 2019 @ 1:53 pm

    I’ve joined, then. In the past I’ve just bought all your books, using, as a reason not to do more, my financial limits: that I’m getting by as a self-employed tutor with one part-time classroom job — an insecure life I do greatly enjoy and am good at — because my ADHD reliably caused full-time teaching jobs to leave me cripplingly depressed.

    But, well, if I can scrape by that way myself, I can sure as hell find a way to help you do it too. I am interested in both Last War in Albion and a Tori Amos blog, for what it’s worth.


  5. Jen A Blue
    April 15, 2019 @ 2:31 pm

    Canceled a pledge to someone else who’d moved on to projects I wasn’t that interested in, which freed up enough money to double my pledge to you. It’s not much but I hope it helps!


  6. Roy
    April 15, 2019 @ 3:34 pm

    I was doing $5/week but only twice/month out of some confusion over how Patreon used to do frequency. I don’t know how that counted towards your total before but I’ve just changed it to really once/week.


  7. Daru
    April 16, 2019 @ 12:54 am

    Really sorry to hear that things are tough El, and thanks for opening up. I switch between part time work and freelance (which sometimes dries up) . Though things have been a bit tighter financially for me recently, I’m sure I can look at bumping up my pledge a bit, so I’ll do that tomorrow.

    Your work is some of my favourite out there and I really appreciate what you do. Ok personally with less who and more LWIA and the Tori Amos project.


  8. Elizabeth Sandifer
    April 16, 2019 @ 1:04 am

    Thank you so much to everyone.

    One thing I want to clarify is that it’s not that things are especially tight. I mean, some weeks they are and some weeks they aren’t, but that’s life under capitalism. Jill and I do OK. We’re happy and comfortable.

    It really is just that splitting my weeks between a part time job that basically eats the entirety of three days a week and the writing I want to do is unsustainable. I kinda have to commit to one or the other. And as it stands the writing doesn’t make sense to commit to.

    But holy shit, y’all are getting it hella close to that point, and I’m in humbled, shocked awe. As many times as I’ve done the crowdfunding appeal, I never get used to the astonishing feeling of being supported and having my work valued this much. Thank you all so much.


  9. Daru
    April 16, 2019 @ 12:51 pm

    Had a look at my pledges and was able to bump up some more money onto yours El. Not much, but a little more monthly overall. Really glad to support you as supporting your work isn’t just about getting blog posts and writing from you (which is great!) but for me is also about being a part of a vibrant, creative and important little community that inspires me (all of it!)


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