A Somewhat Urgent Plea for Support
So, last week I was forced to launch a new Patreon because Patreon refused to allow me to change my existing one over to monthly billing instead of the per-post grind I’d been on since 2014. Since doing that, however, I’ve faced a $2000 a month drop in income. This isn’t strictly speaking a surprise—obviously you expect to lose some people when you have to sign up for a new paying service to replace the old one. But it’s a lot more dropoff than I’d been expecting, and frankly has blown an absolutely terrifying hole in our monthly budgeting. So I’m just going with an open plea here: if you have ever liked my work and generally thought “El deserves to be able to have food and housing while writing the stuff she writes,” now is the time to support it directly. Just $5 gets you all my ebooks, all the issues of Britain a Prophecy, and the whole of the Jodie Whittaker TARDIS Eruditorum to date.
Including, notably, “I Thought It Would Hurt Me, And I Was Right (Spyfall),” my essay on the Series 12 premiere.
$10, meanwhile, gets you a weekly roundup of my media consumption with reviews, which this week is going to inlcude a retrospective on Partners in Crime along with a review of John Wick. But we’ll talk about that on Monday, when I hold back the next part of LWIA to post a review to this site…