The struggle in terms of the strange

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Elizabeth Sandifer

Elizabeth Sandifer created Eruditorum Press. She’s not really sure why she did that, and she apologizes for the inconvenience. She currently writes Last War in Albion, a history of the magical war between Alan Moore and Grant Morrison. She used to write TARDIS Eruditorum, a history of Britain told through the lens of a ropey sci-fi series. She also wrote Neoreaction a Basilisk, writes comics these days, and has ADHD so will probably just randomly write some other shit sooner or later. Support Elizabeth on Patreon.


  1. Tom B
    July 28, 2016 @ 6:22 pm

    Diamond lists Cinema Purgatorio #4 as coming out next week, I thought you were reading that. Also a new Doctor Strange, They also list Hillbilly #2 if you like Eric Powell’s stuff.

    Given that you like trying Image comics lately, did you try Fuse when it first came out? I’ve enjoyed that, but would freely admit it is the type of thing that works better in trade.

    A new Doctor Strange is next week. Right now I think in addition to the creators you mention above (and would definitely include Al Ewing in the list), Jason Aaron is one of the better writers they have at Marvel now that also has what you describe of the others. I think if it had been Aaron or Ewing who had come up with this Civil War II mess it might have been handled a lot more deftly and salvaged something good from the whole thing.


    • Elizabeth Sandifer
      July 30, 2016 @ 12:55 am

      Yep, missed it on the list. It appears Bitch Planet is out too.


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