IDSG Ep 73 National Justice Party Program, Part 1
In this episode, the first of a two-parter, Daniel tells Jack all about the new 25 Point Program of the National Justice Party, the latest venture from Mike Enoch and the Right Stuff rabble, and their hope of peeling away support from disaffected leftists using ‘Third Position’ rhetoric. Daniel starts going through the program point-by-point, analysing its hypocrisies and contradictions. The ‘left’ rhetoric is exposed by comparison with genuine left ideas and principles. To be continued… soon.
Content Warnings.
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Links / Notes:
National Justice Party:
National Justice Party Platform:
Mike Enoch/Peinovich “The Way Forward” Speech:
Strike and Mike Episode 137: (unavailable because it’s paywall content, can’t imagine why)
Bernie Sanders Rally Ann Arbor March 8, 2020. AOC arrives around 1:14:00.
Relevant previous IDSG episodes:
9: Mike Enoch and The Daily Shoah
52: Genocide and The Right Stuff
70: The National Justice Party
Jack’s article about why fascism and socialism are different things, including stuff about fascists appropriating left rhetoric:
November 30, 2020 @ 7:35 am
Pinpoint accuracy sir.. Wonderful, good going!
December 1, 2020 @ 12:34 pm
Not relevant to the episode in any way, shape or form, but instead of “Fashman” I’d have gone with “The Fash.” You wouldn’t even have to change his costume that much, those lightning bolts already kind of look like the SS insignia.
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