The Second Annual “I Hope You Enjoy That E-Reader You Got For Christmas” Sale
Eruditorum will run tomorrow. Today, it’s time for the now traditional time when I celebrate the fact that surely some of you got things you can read ebooks on yesterday, and thus might conceivably want to spend money on my books by cutting the prices on them for the last week of the year. Here’s what we’ve got this year. You just buy the books at Smashwords, use the coupon code at check out, and enjoy.
TARDIS Eruditorum
Volume 1 (William Hartnell) Second Edition: $2.99 (Normally $4.99) with the coupon code YN52F
Volume 2 (Patrick Troughton): $2.99 (Normally $4.99) with the coupon code LL77P
Volume 3 (Jon Pertwee): $2.99 (Normally $4.99) with the coupon code DH84E
Volume 4 (Tom Baker and the Hinchcliffe Years): $2.99 (Normally $4.99) with the coupon code CG64P
Volume 5 (Tom Baker and the Williams Years): $3.99 (Normally $4.99) with the coupon code DH25H
The Last War in Albion
Chapters 1-7: $1.99 (Normally $3.99) with the coupon code VH88F
Chapter 8 (Swamp Thing): $.99 (Normally $1.99) with the coupon code UP74D
Chapter 9 (V for Vendetta – The Warrior Years): $.99 (Normally $1.99) with the coupon code TV28W
And last but not least
A Golden Thread: A Critical History of Wonder Woman: $3.99 (Normally $7.99) with the coupon code AL42A.
Thanks so much for your support, and I hope you enjoy. See you tomorrow with a proper post.
December 26, 2014 @ 7:25 am
Many thanks for that! Picked up Eruditorum 5 (well, it would be rude not to) and, because it was such a bargain, A Golden Thread.
Have a great holiday!
December 26, 2014 @ 11:32 pm
Going to pick up "A Golden Thread" once my holiday traveling is over and I can purchase it on a machine that isn't my old and failing iPad (it has quite the conniption when I try to use it for anything other than reading this blog on the mobile site; even posting this comment has caused a few issues), but I finally broke down and bout a copy of the 33 1/3 "Flood" book; been wanting to read that since it was announced, and I realized that it probably will never go on sale, so I may as well get it now. Already started reading it, and the only reason I stopped is because I absolutely need to go to bed soon (and I'm using this comment to procrastinate a bit).
Thanks much for the sale. I'll be gifting a friend of mine the V for Vendetta chapter of Albion; I prefer to wait for the individual installments myself. It seems the Classic series of Doctor Who has made me really appreciate a finely crafted cliffhanger…