Two Small Orders of Business
1) I’m a little under halfway done with the revisions and expansions to the Hartnell entries to make a shiny book version you can all buy (it’s looking like about 13,000 words worth of new entries and the existing entries getting expanded by about 500-1000 words each). The one thing I’m lacking is cover art. Do you make art things? We should probably talk. This would be a (modestly but at least not insultingly low) paying gig that I’d expect to continue over all of the book volumes of the blog. E-mail me at snowsDALEKpinner at gmail dot com, minus the capitalized indigenous species of Skaro and we can see if we can sort something out. If you have an online portfolio I can flip through, a link would be a good place to start.
2) As I start working through the Pertwee era, I realize that I’m a spot short on Time Can Be Rewritten entries. See, for each Doctor I try to do at least one BBC Books novel and at least one Virgin novel, with more allowed if there are multiple ones that catch my fancy. But for Pertwee, I have no Virgin novel jumping out at me as an obvious candidate based on descriptions and casual research. So, faithful readers – in comments, please tell me which Virgin Books Pertwee novel I should read and why. (For those with slightly hazy memories, the Virgin Pertwees are The Ghosts of N-Space, Dancing the Code, Eye of the Giant, The Scales of Injustice, and Speed of Flight.) No need for suggestions for BBC Books, where I have three picked already.
Cameron Dixon
July 4, 2011 @ 5:45 pm
Do you count "Who Killed Kennedy" as a Virgin Pertwee novel?
Elizabeth Sandifer
July 4, 2011 @ 5:53 pm
I hadn't thought about it, but I'm willing to consider it.
July 4, 2011 @ 6:41 pm
i would say go for ghost of n-space, since it is an adaptation of a play that starred pertwee from the mid 90s
Stuart Ian Burns
July 4, 2011 @ 11:02 pm
Who Killed Kennedy does seem the obvious candidate given its conceptual similarity to The Time Travellers and World Game.
You could listen to the original radio versions of Paradise Towers/The Ghosts of N Space in situ.
Wm Keith
July 5, 2011 @ 12:53 am
Please consider releasing the book as a non-shiny Kindle file.
July 5, 2011 @ 8:07 am
Scales of Injustice might give you some material to go over, what with the political thriller elements and the Silurian nonsense. Also I believe it dealt with Liz's departure from the series. It was also released as a free ebook on the BBC website so you should be able to find it online.
The others are fairly dull. You'd be better off covering the audio release of Ghosts of N Space rather than the book.
Elizabeth Sandifer
July 5, 2011 @ 5:05 pm
Wm Keith – It will be for both print and Kindle, have no fear.
Elizabeth Sandifer
July 5, 2011 @ 5:12 pm
David (et al) – I'm disinclined to do Ghosts of N Space as a book due to, as you all point out, it being an audio first. I'm also disinclined to do it as an audio – having skipped audios for both Hartnell and Troughton, I'm figuring I'll have audios be book features until Davison when the Big Finishes kick in. For no particular reason that I can articulate other than feeling like the original Big Finish line is hugely special, and that Spare Parts deserves to be the first audio adventure covered on the blog itself.
I will say, however, that I've got a Companion Chronicles story in the Hartnell book, a Troughton audio picked out when I get to that book, and will promise now to do Paradise of Death in the Pertwee book. 🙂
Wm Keith
July 5, 2011 @ 11:27 pm
The original LP release of Doctor Who and The Pescatons was an immensely important artifact, at any rate to a seven year old child who didn't have a copy. It was the first real Doctor Who, with the real actors, to exist outside the television. It was on a par with meeting Tom Baker at the opening of a supermarket. Perhaps it was a "dead end", but no more so than K9 and Company, and I'd be surprised if you didn't cover that.
July 7, 2011 @ 9:08 am
The Scales of Injustice, just because it's a Season 7 story (Season 7 being quite different from most of the rest of the Pertwee era, and really most of the rest of Doctor Who…) and has Liz Shaw's departure. Good way to talk about why Liz Shaw didn't get a departure scene.
July 9, 2011 @ 8:34 pm
Is there any way you can announce the table of contents for the book whenever you get it finalised? I'm curious about what the new entries are.
July 13, 2011 @ 7:04 am
Scales of Injustice is pretty good. Can't say I can think of a better 3rd Doctor book.
Ghosts of N-Space was a BBC radio production and I think its fair game.
July 17, 2011 @ 2:25 pm
Who Killed Kennedy. Let's Kill Hitler!
Special Agent Richard Jones
July 29, 2011 @ 2:54 am
I recently sent an email response to your request for someone to do book covers, but have had no response. Are you still looking?
If so, you can see my stuff here:
Elizabeth Sandifer
July 29, 2011 @ 7:23 am
I don't think I got your e-mail, but I apologize for not replying.
In any case, I'm afraid I have found a cover artist.
August 2, 2011 @ 3:08 am
Hi Philip
I also recently sent you an email about the book version of TE, but no reply. Just wondering if you got it.
Paul Smith