We stared into the untempered schism and all we saw was this dodgy CSO effect

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L.I. Underhill is a media critic and historian specializing in pop culture, with a focus on science fiction (especially Star Trek) and video games. Their projects include a critical history of Star Trek told through the narrative of a war in time, a “heretical” history of The Legend of Zelda series and a literary postmodern reading of Jim Davis' Garfield.


  1. ferret
    February 1, 2017 @ 11:28 am

    You’ve now convinced me I want to get all these in some giant graphic novel form 🙂


    • Josh Marsfelder
      February 1, 2017 @ 10:54 pm

      It’s long out of print, but this series does in fact have one!


      A few others of the DC and Malibu story arcs and miniseries got trade paperback releases too…Hearts and Minds did, as well as The Star Lost. I seem to remember The Worst of Both Worlds getting an omnibus too, though I can’t seem to find it. There are also assorted collections of one-off TNG and DS9 stories reprinted by various publishers.


  2. Allyn
    February 2, 2017 @ 10:41 pm

    I used to have DC’s giant promo poster for this (a miniseries with Worf and the Generations adaptation — they had interconnected covers) on my dorm room wall.

    I haven’t read this in a very long time, so all I have are rough impressions.

    I remember that Ro only appeared in the DC issues. She was, as you say, a favorite character of Mike Friedman, and so she appeared in the DC issues but not the Malibu issues. I suspect that’s why she’s so superfluous — Friedman and Barr had an overall outline for the series, and when it came time for Barr to write his issues he may not have known that Friedman decided to give a small role to Ro.

    I also remember being annoyed with Picard and Sisko in later issues, particularly their “Anything you can do, I can do better” attitude toward one another. I don’t remember the exact crisis in the series — something to do with hurricanes on Bajor, maybe? — but I remember that each one was trying to show up the other in one sequence where they’re trying to save a Bajoran village. It was annoying, and I wanted to reach into the comic, smack them both in the face, and tell them to grow up already.

    This was “Peak Star Trek.” Most people think that Star Trek’s peak was circa 1996 with First Contact, but I think the peak came in 1994, with the end of TNG, Generations, and the impending launch of Voyager (and its television network). Shatner and Stewart were on the cover of Time Magazine! Star Trek wouldn’t be as visible again until, arguably, the 2009 film. Star Trek remained “high” past the peak, but it never again reached the heights of 1994. (An argument I made in an article for Star Trek Magazine several years ago.)

    And as a Star Trek comic reader, there were some really interesting things happening at this time. There was this mini-series. Mark Altman had the “Lightstorm” special from Malibu in the summer of ’94 that managed to be a prequel to Generations. DC had a Worf mini-series at the same time.

    Then it begins to fall apart. Malibu’s Voyager series never launched. (Though they did a DS9 tie-in to “Caretaker,” as I recall. Titled “The Maquis,” I think.) Paramount pulls the licenses from DC and Malibu at the end of the year — and DC goes out with a TOS/TNG crossover. And then we’re without Star Trek comics for twenty months until Marvel gets their line going, and despite doing some interesting material (particularly Early Voyagers), it crashes and burns when Marvel gives up on the license (for complicated reasons). And the Wildstorm era that followed, though interesting, was notable for being mini-series and specials. The age of the ongoing Star Trek comic was over.

    So, yeah, I can see how 1994 was “Peak Star Trek Comic.”


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